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Purple boots and Tiaras- Yes!






Who could blame a 12 year old pony rider for not being able to contain her excitement upon zipping up a pair of full custom DeNiro boots in Amethyst! Adults get just as excited when they see these beautiful purple DeNiro riding boots. They say purple is the color of royalty, and Zone 4 Pony rider Zoie Cooke plays the part well with a tiara and bejeweled crop from Elite Canes and Browbands of Australia.  She pairs her royal accents with khaki pony breeches by Animo, a pale yellow Essex show shirt from Atlanta Saddlery, and the "Dragon Tattoo" ribbon belt by Desi Designs.


Photograppher: Erin Wheeler,  Sweet Fresno Photography

Hair and Make Up:  Saima Khalid

Location  Jag Arabians , Courtesy Stirrups Clothing













Purple Boots & Tiaras - Yes! Maddy Brown

12 year old pony jock, Zoie Cooke, can’t contain her excitement upon zipping up a pair of full

custom DeNiro boots in amethyst! They say purple is the color of royalty, and Zoie plays the

part well with a tiara and bejeweled crop. She pairs her royal accents with pony breeches from

Animo, a pale yellow Essex show shirt from Atlanta Saddlery, and a ribbon belt by Desi


DeNiro Boot Company:

Desi Designs:

Atlanta Saddlery:

Zoie is photographed by Erin Wheeler of Sweet Fresno Photography on location at the stunning

Chattahoochee Hills in Fairburn, Georgia.

Hair and makeup by

Photo descriptions:

Look10-2 … Zoie snaps in to this shocking pair of custom Amethyst boots from DeNiro.

Look10-3 … They say give her a girl the right pair of shoes, she can rule the world. Zoie

is well on her way with these stunning DeNiro boots, paired with a beautiful tiara and

jeweled riding crop fit for a pony princess.

Look10-7 … Pony rider Zoie Cooke relaxes in style in a pair of custom Amethyst DeNiro

boots, tiara, and bejeweled crop, paired with a yellow Essex show shirt, Desi Designs

ribbon belt, and Animo pony breeches.

Look10-1 … Zoie looks right at home in these rockin’ Amethyst boots from DeNiro.

These are custom boots for a perfect fit, and compliment her pale yellow Essex show

shirt effortlessly.

Look10-4 … Zoie Cooke, with tiara and jeweled riding crop, look more than ready to rule

the pony ring. Her fresh face and easy smile play off her beautiful Essex show shirt for a

young, effortlessly classic look.

Look10-6 … Zoie zips into her Amethyst full customs from DeNiro. This beautiful photo

exudes royal vibes with her perfectly fitting Animo pony breeches and stunning tiara.

Look10-5 … Zoie takes a break from gazing over her kingdom to throw a glance

towards photographer, Erin Wheeler. She looks the pony princess part in this stunning

outfit for Style My Ride.

































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